28 November 2019

Equitana Auckland - Day 4

Equitana Auckland 2019 came to final day, there were still many programmes to see.
Upon arrival to the ASB showground, we went to watch Pony Club Competition.
Some pony clubs from parts of New Zealand competed as a team.
It was pretty exciting to watch!

Equitana Auckland最終日です。

Aside from that, there was challenge called Connexion Challenge.
Rider and horse challenge to complete obstacles. It requires good communication and training on both horse and rider.

In this challenge, there was a Kaimanawa Horse, which is wild horse in New Zealand (Originally brought in by migrants long ago but left to became wild).
The horse was said that under saddle for 4 months but the horse and rider did impressive on all the obstacles! 



Beautiful Palomino!