29 November 2016

Milk Pudding at Yee Shun Dairy 義順の牛乳プリン

While we were walking around Macau, happened to pass by Yee Shun Milk Company and we went inside for cafe time.
Yeah, Yee Shun is originated from Macau...


Really just happened to pass by...

I had warm milk pudding (in front)

After having their pure milk pudding, I realized that I prefer Australian Dairy's milk pudding with egg white.
Yee Shun one is only milk, simmered it till thickened. It is really hard work and smooth milk pudding.


This time, as most of time Shiu-Bo's parents orders or speak, I have very little chance to listen to Shiu-Bo's Cantonese which what I am looking forward most while in Hong Kong although father in-law well mixed into locals in Hong Kong and Macau with his usual comical speaking...
(They told me that although they speaks Cantonese, Singapore's Cantonese is slightly different from Hong Kong's and rare but sometimes they don't understand)

