17 March 2019

Trying to mimic Jenny bakery's cookies

Jenny Bakery is well known and I felt like try baking it by myself.
There are number of websites providing recipes which is close to Jenny's taste.

I tried one of it and bake it.

The ingredients used:
150g - Golden Churn Canned butter
50g - Icing Sugar (Add to butter)
120g - Plain flour (Very low protain %)
30g - Corn Starch (mix with plain flour and sieve)

1. Preheat overn 160 Deg C
2. Whip to air butter & Sugar well (use mixer) until pale yellow.
3. Add sieved plain flour and corn starch
4. Squeeze dough on baking tray, about 3cm (W) x 1cm (H) round.
5. Bake 15 - 20 until lightly turned brown

Use 150g plain flour if not using corn starch. Corn starch makes cookies more fluffy texture.

I used plastic bag as I don't have proper cream decoration bag, but it turned out not too bad in terms of texture =)

Jenny Bakeryのクッキーをなんとなく焼いてみたくなり、

150g Golden Churn缶入りバター
50g 粉砂糖
120g 薄力粉(たんぱく質が一番低いもの)
30g コーンスターチ

1. オーブンを160度予熱する
2. バターと粉砂糖を合わせ、ハンドミキサーなどで白っぽい黄色になるくらいまでしっかり空気を含ませる
3. 薄力粉とコーンスターチを合わせてふるいにかけ、空気を含ませながら2に加える。

