We like Five Guys since my friend recommended to us and Dubai is nearest place from Singapore we can enjoy it.
Although they are originally from New York, it became our "Must have" item when we travel to Dubai.
Al Seef branch is facing to the Dubai Creek and because of it, super relaxing setting.
Diners get to enjoy Nice Deira and Creek view and juicy tender burgers.
昔New York近辺に住んでいたPちゃんが教えてくれてドバイで食べて以来すっかりドバイに行ったら必ず食べるものリストに入ってしまったFive Guys。
Al Seefにも店舗があり、Zabeel House Miniからとても便利がいいです。
私の好みのFive GuysバーガーはシンプルにMiniバーガーだけか、Miniバーガーにレタスのみ。
