4 February 2017

Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tart

After sometime since BAKE opened in Singapore, seems Cheese Tart is getting popular and some bakeries start to sale cheese tart (copying popular products are common here).

Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tart, the shop only sales cheese tart, is one of it.
Colour scheme and name some people may confuse if it is same as BAKE.
But it is not, the shop is under Malaysian company who runs Secret Recipe.

For me as I like thinner tart base, their tart base is too thick.
Chocolate tart is bit lack of chocolate taste...rather just buy cheese tart...

I wonder how long does this cheese tart boom last...

Bakeがシンガポールにオープンして行列ができるようになったころから、そこらへんのパン屋やチェーン店のパン屋でベイクドチーズタルトが販売されるようになったり、「Baked Cheese Tart」を全面に押し出した店が出来たりしてます。

友達にいただいたHokkaido Baked Cheese Tartがその最たる例かと思います。


