One reason we decided was the lady standing beside this restaurant said "This bar food is good". We thought she is the bar staff and promoting the bar, actually she was just a customer.
Since Shiu-Bo was damn hungry and can't think well, we just went in.
プラハ旧市街でさまよう中、腹が減ったので入ったお店、U Tri Ruzi。お店の前に立っていたおねいさんが「ここ、美味しいわよ」と突然言われたので最初呼子かと思ったのですが、お客さんでした。
Of course, start with beer. Tasty.
I was pretty full after having Trdelnik, I just ordered cabbage salad.
Shiu-Bo ordered Pork Cutlet.
Both beer and cutlet were tasty, Shiu-Bo said "just anyhow came in, but here serves good beer and tasty food! lucky!!". He was so happy. His stomach must also be happy.
This bar restaurant, I think there are 3 levels...but after we came in, customers keep coming in and some are turned off due to fully occupied.
I think we were really lucky ;)